dream. goal. plan. action. reality.

The self-directed life

The self-directed life

dream. goal. plan. action. reality.

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Adding By Subtracting

Adding By Subtracting

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Imagine A Bigger Life

Imagine A Bigger Life

So How did it go? Did you: Write down the three sentences describing your dream life Completed the exercises set before you in Blog #1 Download the budget spreadsheet and analyze your actual financial level. Can check off these action items with a YES!?? Great!! […]

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Juggling Your Balls

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Embracing the Frugal Mindset

Embracing the Frugal Mindset

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Enemy in the Mirror

Enemy in the Mirror

Check out the audio version of this blog by CLICKING HERE. Dig deep and ask yourself this question. Are you living the life of your dreams? I’d be willing to wager the answer to that is a big fat no. You have dreams and fantasies […]